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Canal Preparation and Obturation: An Updated View of the Two Pillars of Nonsurgical Endodontics (PDF File, 1.2 MB)Published: Fall 2016
Full-Text Article: Shen Y, Zhou HM, Zheng YF, Peng B, Haapasalo M. Current challenges and concepts of the thermomechanical treatment of nickel-titanium instruments. J Endod 2013;39:163-72.
Full-Text Article: Ricucci D, Siqueira JF, Jr. Fate of the tissue in lateral canals and apical ramifications in response to pathologic conditions and treatment procedures. J Endod 2010;36:1-15.
Full-Text Article: Ng Y-L, Mann V, Gulabivala K. A prospective study of the factors affecting outcomes of nonsurgical root canal treatment: part 1: periapical health. Int Endod J 2011;44:583-609.
Full-Text Article: Ng YL, Mann V, Gulabivala K. A prospective study of the factors affecting outcomes of non-surgical root canal treatment: part 2: tooth survival. Int Endod J 2011;44:610-25.